At Arlington 365体育投注英超联赛欧冠 Federal Credit Union, your safety 和 well-being come first. We monitor for fraudulent 和 suspicious activity on all accounts, but we want to ensure you underst和 fraud prevention so you can protect yourself. That’s why we recommend you never provide any personal, 私人信息 via phone or email 和 we keep you updated on current fraud schemes.
为了保护自己,你能做的最重要的事情就是冻结你的信用报告. 这将使欺诈者更难以以你的名义开设贷款和银行账户.
You can place the freeze for FREE at these links:
Protect your account by making sure your contact info, 尤其是你的手机号码, 是最新的. Having current contact info allows us to notify you in case of potential fraud situations.
略读从信用卡或借记卡中获取磁性信息,并将其用于欺诈目的. 为了防止你的信用卡被刷屏:
网络钓鱼诈骗包括“欺骗”电子邮件和欺诈性网站,它们看起来像是由你已经认识的人或组织发送的,并要求你提供或“验证”你的个人信息, 个人信息(密码), 信用卡号, 账号, 等.). 避免网络钓鱼:
短信诈骗, “SMS”的组合, 发短信的专业术语, 和“钓鱼,” uses 文本 messages to prompt individuals to provide the “SMiSher” with their personal, 私人信息. 为了避免短信诈骗:
身份盗窃, 这个国家增长最快的犯罪, occurs when someone steals someone else’s personal, 私人信息 和 then pretends to be that person. 降低身份被盗的风险:
This scam involves the distribution of cashier’s checks that appear to come from ACFCU, 但实际上是欺诈. If you receive an unexpected ACFCU cashier’s check, immediately contact us before depositing it to determine whether it is legitimate or not.
这种长期存在的骗局以年长的受害者为目标,假装是他们的孙子或孙女,要求他们在紧急情况下给他们汇款, 没有提供太多的细节. They may say things like “please don’t tell Mom or Dad” or “My nose is broken, 所以我可能听起来很奇怪.”
In 2019, 联邦政府用11位的身份证号取代了印有登登者社会安全号码的医保卡,以帮助保护老年人免遭身份盗窃. 现在, 骗子试图诱骗人们给他们新的11位识别号码,这样他们就可以接管他们的身份.
这通常涉及到一个约会网站账户,上面有虚假的信息和照片,作为一个好得令人难以置信的个人资料. 一旦目标确定, 这种骗局通常升级为小偷揭露金钱问题,可能包括要求你提供资金,这样他或她就可以亲自去见你或帮助生病的亲戚.
这些骗子声称受害者欠美国国税局的钱,必须及时付款,否则将被逮捕, deported or have their driver’s license suspended. 有时, 打电话的人变得咄咄逼人, 警告人们,如果他们不立即付款,治安官或当地执法人员将出现在他们的门口. The IRS will never call to dem和 immediate payment over the phone, 威胁要叫来当地警察, ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone, or require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes.
这种骗局可以通过网络钓鱼电子邮件发生, 一通电话, a pop-up ad or a locked screen on your device with a phone number to call to fix it. 合法的客户, 安全, or tech support companies will not initiate unsolicited contact with individuals.
This scam involves someone reaching out to you claiming to be a friend or relative, 他们告诉你,他们在国外的医院里,不付手术费就不能离开. 他们鼓励你电汇到一个外国银行账户,实际上是由欺诈者拥有的.
Be mindful of the information you share on social media platforms. 网络罪犯经常利用从你的档案中收集的个人信息来攻击你,甚至你的家人.
通过验证电子邮件或消息中意外链接的合法性,对网络钓鱼尝试保持警惕, as these scams aim to exploit trust 和 compromise your online 安全. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from a trusted company, 即使来电显示是合法的, 最好是结束电话,并使用可信号码独立联系该公司,以验证电话的真实性.
你的社会安全号码是一项宝贵的信息. Only disclose it when absolutely necessary 和 to trusted entities.
如果您收到不请自来的电话,要求提供敏感信息,如银行账户详细信息, SSNs, 生日, 或任何其他个人资料, 立即挂断电话. Legitimate organizations won’t ask for such information without a valid reason.
Enabling MFA on your accounts is crucial in securing your digital presence, 大大降低未经授权访问的风险,并保护您的敏感信息免受潜在的安全威胁.
密切关注你的账单周期. If you notice that bills or financial statements are delayed, 请联系发件人确认情况.
Regularly review your credit card 和 bank 帐户报表. 将收据与账单上的信息进行比对,及时发现任何未经授权的交易.
Dispose of sensitive documents such as receipts, 信贷提供, 帐户报表, 把过期的信用卡撕碎. This helps prevent identity theft, especially from people rummaging through trash.
通过注册这些提醒, you’ll immediately be made aware of any suspicious activity associated with your accounts. Staying aware of account activity is important, particularly if there’s fraud.
Here are the steps to set up alerts on your account:
1. 登录到 在线 or 手机银行.
2. 如果是移动设备,请点击“更多的的菜单.
3. 点击“通知"和"警报”.
4. 选择帐户 您希望为其设置警报.
5. 点击“交易”, 设置你的偏好 在打开的窗户里.
6. 设定你的金额 和 交货方法. You can get a 文本, email or push notification, or all three!
7. 点击 保存.
Obtain 和 review your credit reports from major credit bureaus at least once a year. 确保没有可能对你的信用评分产生负面影响的可疑活动或错误.
If you suspect your identify has been stolen, consider freezing your credit files with Equifax, 益百利, Innovis, or TransUnion. Freezing your credit can help prevent unauthorized access to your credit history, making it more difficult for identity thieves to open accounts in your name.
保护自己免受欺诈:如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请通过手机或网上银行的安全消息直接与中华总工会联系, 电邮至 acfcu@labeauteinstitut.com1 (email is not secure, so don’t include any private info) or by calling: 703.526.0200 x4.
虽然我们确实监控欺诈或可疑活动,并可能主动就此类活动与您联系, 我们永远不会打电话要求提供机密信息,如您的整个账号或密码. beat365体育亚洲官网在线:703.526.0200 x4 if you have provided confidential information. 消息和数据速率可能适用.
1请不要通过电子邮件或联系表格提交您的帐户号码或社会安全号码. 发送的信息如果通过互联网传输,则有丧失机密性的风险.