When you chose to bank with Arlington 365体育投注英超联赛欧冠 Federal Credit Union, you didn’t just choose a financial institution, 你加入了一个365体育投注英超联赛欧冠. Whether you’re managing your personal or 业务 财务(或两者都有)!), we’re here to make it as easy as possible. 这就是beat365体育亚洲官网在线我们创建了这个资源来回答你可能有的任何问题, from how to sign up for online banking to how to earn 免费奖励检查 奖励.
让我们开始吧. 去 管理个人账户 or 管理我的企业账户 找到你需要的信息. Just remember, if you have any questions or need help, we’re just a 打电话,发邮件,或者去分行 访问了!
1. 你需要:
2. 单击 登录 盒子 on the top menu of the ACFCU website
3. Select 登记, 然后选择 个人
4. 仔细阅读并核对 我同意 盒子
5. Enter requested information carefully
6. Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the process
您可以使用手机应用程序或网上银行设置安全等信息的警报, 账户更新, 传输信息, 预算和储蓄目标.
注意:您将收到帐户通知后,交易已张贴到您的帐户. Transactions that are pending will not trigger a notification.
随时准备减少您的碳足迹,并有权随时访问您当前或以前的报表, 无论你想去哪里? 我们让它变得简单:
1. Log in to your online banking account from your computer and go to the ”小部件
2. 点击 概述
3. 点击 齿轮
4. Select 订阅
For step-by-step visual instructions, 点击这里.
Transfer money between ACFCU accounts
1. Log in to your ACFCU online banking account
2. 导航到 转移 部件,并选择 经典的转移 选项卡
3. For first-time transfers中,选择 the Transfer to Another Arlington 365体育投注英超联赛欧冠 Federal Credit Union Member (桌面)或 内部转移 (移动)
4. Enter the last name of the member or the 业务 name
5. 输入会员在ACFCU存档的账号、电话号码或电子邮件
6. 选择共享或贷款
7. 输入共享或贷款ID
8. 命名帐户并保存
9. Now you’re ready to move that money
1. 你需要:
2. Follow the instructions on our step-by-step ACH发起设置指南.
有趣的事实:阿灵顿县, 弗吉尼亚医院中心和阿灵顿公立beat365体育亚洲官网在线的员工通过直接存款提前一天收到工资!
1. 你需要:
2. 填写直接存款表格 you received when you opened your membership. If you no longer have the form, simply beat365体育亚洲官网在线 或者访问您的 本地分支 作为替代品.
ACFCU has an enhanced fraud prevention system for Visa® 借记卡和信用卡账户. 持卡人会自动登记,并在发生可疑交易时收到警报.
Streamline your 业务 banking process and bank when, 在哪里, 你想要的, 从办公室, 首页, 或者忙个不停.
1. 你需要:
2. 单击 登录 盒子 on the top menu of the ACFCU website
3. Select 登记, 然后选择 业务
4. 仔细阅读并核对 我同意 盒子
5. Enter requested information carefully
6. Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the process
1. Log in to your online banking account from your computer
2. 选择 edoc 小部件(如果您没有看到) edoc中,选择 更多的 on the bottom of the left-hand side menu)
3. 订阅
4. 仔细阅读,核对 同意 盒子 and enter the five-digit code located in the PDF
5. You’re now enrolled in e-Statements!
Transfer money between ACFCU accounts
1. Log in to your ACFCU online banking account
2. 导航到 转移 部件,并选择 经典的转移 选项卡
3. For first-time transfers中,选择 the Transfer to Another Arlington 365体育投注英超联赛欧冠 Federal Credit Union Member (桌面)或 内部转移 (移动)
4. Enter the last name of the member or the 业务 name
5. 输入会员在ACFCU存档的账号、电话号码或电子邮件
6. Select 分享 or 贷款
7. 输入共享或贷款ID
8. 命名帐户并保存
9. You’re now optimized to transfer funds
1. 你需要:
ACFCU has an enhanced fraud prevention system for Visa® 借记卡和信用卡账户. 持卡人会自动登记,并在发生可疑交易时收到警报.
你的 Free 业务 Rewards Checking account 奖励您的日常银行1%现金返还*在第一个1000美元的交易.
作为一家提供全方位服务的信用合作社, 我们是一个由像你一样的成员组成的合作社,大家聚在一起知道这一点, we can all benefit in our financial journey.
虽然我们确实监控欺诈或可疑活动,并可能主动就此类活动与您联系, we will never call and ask for confidential information, such as your entire account number or PIN. 如果您提供了机密信息,请致电703-526-0200与我们联系.
*Data and carrier rates may apply.